
A Win in Any Case

Quality Enhancement
Quality Enhancement

We design our systems to last a lifetime. Yet even they can age over time. With targeted modifications and upgrades, we optimize even older models. This increases product quality and system efficiency.

State of the Art
State of the Art

Our BFS technology has proven itself for decades. However, industry requirements and technologies evolve rapidly. We offer intelligent solutions to bring older systems up to the latest standards.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory changes are part of the evolving landscape. The experts at Rommelag Pharma Service are well-versed in all requirements and support you in maintaining regulatory compliance.

Digitization and System Networking
Digitization and System Networking

We offer intelligent concepts and digitization upgrades for optimal use of your bottelpack system. Additionally, we provide you with access to our data and communication platform "Machine Hub”.

Picture of a Rommelag employee making machine settings according to the machine concept.


Modernization: Re­thinking Your Machine Concept

Einer der einfachsten Wege ist natürlich, veraltete Komponenten einfach durch neue zu ersetzen. Das verbessert bereits den gesamten Prozess und erhöht die Lebensdauer der Anlage, das Produktionsvolumen und die Produktqualität. Gleichzeitig arbeiten moderne Komponenten in der Regel energiesparender und verbessern so die Gesamteffizienz.

Wo es noch keine passenden Produkte wie elektrische Baugruppen, Steuerungen oder Komponenten gibt, entwickelt und fertigt unser Engineering einfach Speziallösungen als Ersatz. Darüber hinaus bieten wir für jeden Maschinentyp standardisierte Umrüst- und Modernisierungspakete an.

Image of Rommelag employees carrying out modernization and upgrade improvements on machine components.


Improve­ments with Added Value

What do you want to change? That's the crucial question. We offer a variety of retrofit and upgrade solutions to help you achieve your goals. Technology upgrades can expand your product range, increasing your competitiveness. Component upgrades improve system lifespan and user comfort while reducing costs. Software and digitization upgrades open up new possibilities and boost efficiency. Let's discuss your plans personally to find the best solutions for you.

Image of a blonde woman with a headset at the computer, who answers incoming calls as an employee in the Rommelag call center.

Do You Have Any Questions? We Are Happy to Advise You!

As your one-stop partner, we have answers and optimal solutions tailored to your individual requirements. Contact us today to see how we can support your business