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Strong together: Our path to sustainable and innovative procurement

At Rommelag, we foster longstanding business relationships with our suppliers. These partnerships are the backbone of our value chain and contribute significantly to our success. In the upcoming years, our focus lies on the continuous development of our supplier base. This is a direct response to the growth of the Rommelag Group and the increasing external requirements in procurement. It is our responsibility to ensure that our suppliers continue to meet our high standards of quality, innovation, efficiency and sustainability.

Supplier management as a factor for success

Successful collaboration with our suppliers is of great importance to us. Quality is a non-negotiable value. Our primary goal is to fulfil our customer's expectations - supported by our motivated and reliable suppliers.

Purchasing at Rommelag is a central pillar of our economic success and not just a supporting function.

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We particularly emphasize the following when selecting our suppliers

  • the quality of deliveries and services as well as standards in daily operations
  • the reliable and punctual availability of goods and resilient supply chains
  • cost-optimised solutions with regard to the total cost of ownership
  • efficient processing through the consistent implementation of digitalisation potential
  • compliance with regard to responsible procurement
  • ideas and innovative strength to make our end-to-end solutions even more successful
Terms of Purchase

Sustainability in our supplier network


Taking responsibility is an integral part of our corporate philosophy. We are the ones who must act together and responsibly in the present to ensure climate protection, respect for human rights and a future worth living for the next generation.

The Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains regulates corporate responsibility for respecting human rights and due diligence obligations in global supply chains. This includes, for instance, protection against child labour, the right over fair wages as well as environmental protection. This benefits people in the supply chains, companies and also consumers. Rommelag's German sites have been obliged to implement this law since 1 January 2024.

Core elements of the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains and implementation within the Rommelag Group:

Declaration of principles

We want to create a transparent supply chain without neglecting our responsibility towards our fellow human beings and our environment. The entire Rommelag Group, with all our sites, takes responsibility to minimise the risks of human rights violations and environmental pollution. This includes our own business operations as well as our interactions with all our business partners.

By expanding business relationships with business partners who share our basic understanding of socially responsible corporate governance and support us in its implementation, we aim to achieve the goals we have set ourselves and realise sustainable procurement in the long term.

Code of Conduct

In order to firmly anchor the core principles of our actions, we have developed a code of conduct for both our business partners and our employees. This Code of Conduct reflects the core values of the Rommelag Group.


Code of conduct

Risk management & preventive measures

As part of the risk analysis, we assess compliance with the legal requirements and basic principles of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners once a year. If risks are identified, we request further information from our business partners in the form of a questionnaire in order to obtain more detailed knowledge about the supply chain. In addition, we reserve the right to conduct audits to verify compliance with the requirements. In the case of violations, we request corrective measures from our business partners and monitor their implementation.


Process diagram

Complaints procedure for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Our whistleblower portal can be used to report incidents of human rights violations, environmental offences or ethical misconduct that affect the Rommelag Group's own business operations worldwide as well as direct suppliers.


Whistleblower Portal


For us, sustainability is not just about taking responsibility for the environment, it is also a central aspect of our overall business activities. To ensure this, our company-wide sustainability team has defined specific topics, standards and methods.


More about sustainability

Contact person

Robin Heine

Find out more about QESAR

Commodity groups and procurement areas

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Direct material

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Indirect material

Indirect purchasing procures everything related to employees, buildings and production machinery. The spectrum here includes procurement areas such as processing tools, machines, services, auxiliary and operating materials, IT equipment, as well as workwear and office supplies.


Your contact


Sascha Riedling


David Piecuch


Annika Baum


Erich Wirth


Susanne Schock


Sascha Riedling

Would you like to apply as a supplier for Rommelag?

We at Rommelag believe in a trusting and cooperative partnership. Our ultimate goal: customer satisfaction. Do you share our values? Then we look forward to receiving your supplier application.