Compliance culture

Compliance Culture at Rommelag - Our Principles

We respect human rights and are committed to fair working conditions worldwide. Discrimination, child and forced labor as well as any form of harassment or exploitation are unacceptable.

Sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. We promote energy-efficient solutions, reduce waste and actively work on climate protection measures.

Rommelag does not tolerate corruption, bribery or anti-competitive behavior. We are committed to fair competition and promote ethical business practices along the entire supply chain.

The health and safety of our employees is our top priority. We are committed to creating safe working conditions, minimizing risks and implementing continuous improvements.

We promote transparency and sustainability in our supply chains. Our business partners are obliged to ensure compliance with human rights, environmental standards and ethical business practices.

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Code of Conduct

The Rommelag Code of Conduct

The Rommelag Code of Conduct is our common guideline for respectful, safe and supportive cooperation within the company and in our business relationships.
It applies Group-wide to all Rommelag employees, including the Executive Board and managers.

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after-sales training

Whistleblower system

Report Compliance Violation

Open communication and addressing possible violations are crucial to identifying and remedying misconduct at an early stage. To this end, Rommelag has set up a whistleblower system that is available to all internal and external stakeholders. Potential misconduct can be reported here - anonymously if desired. Every report is carefully examined and treated confidentially. Our aim is to create an environment in which everyone feels safe to express their concerns openly.

Our whistleblower system is accessible to all:

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Whistleblowing is the communication of information on violations of laws or applicable rules that may result in (reputational) damage, fines or penalties. Impacts are to be counteracted by the possibility of counteracting actual, potential and attempted violations by reporting them.

This may include:

→ actual violations, i.e. violations that have already been committed and occurred

→ potential violations that have probably been committed

→ Attempts to conceal violations.

Information on violations of laws, applicable regulations and a company's internal guidelines should be reported if they are associated with a high risk potential for the company, company employees and customers.

If a suspected violation is to be reported, it must be ensured that the content of the report can also be understood by a person outside the field (e.g. ombudsman). The content of the report must therefore be based on the following questions:

  • Where did the incident take place?
  • What happened?
    • What happened?
    • What are the exact facts?
    • What is the focus of the report?
  • Who is involved in the incident (e.g. persons, departments and/or business partners) and who has already been informed?
  • When and how often did the misconduct occur?

You can also submit a report without providing personal data. When using our internal reporting channel, you can do this by suppressing your telephone number or by using an e-mail address that cannot be assigned to you personally.

However, if you disclose your name to our internal reporting office as part of the report, you also have the option of informing them of your anonymity. Your name will not be disclosed to Rommelag. In return, however, our internal reporting office can use your data for further direct contact, e.g. for queries or status reports.

You will not suffer any disadvantages as a result of your report. Measures directed against you as a result of a report, such as a warning, dismissal, suspension or transfer, discrimination, salary reduction, negative performance evaluation or bullying, are not permitted and will be punished with legal sanctions.

If you deliberately make false reports in order to harm or denigrate employees or business partners, this may result in consequences under employment law and criminal law. You should therefore report potential breaches of the rules that you are convinced to the best of your knowledge and belief are correct.